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Going Deeper

June 13, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Deep calls to the deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your billows have swept over me.  Psalms 42:7
Going Deeper/Bible Study
As believers, it is imperative and essential that we study to show thyself approved.  It is a requirement as sons and daughters of the most high God to know the height, depth and width of our all mighty creator.
Many times and more often than not, believers depend on Sunday Morning Worship Service to be their only source of hearing and understanding the Word of God.  Although, many churches and other institutions in the Earth have a bible study, we yet have not dived into the Word of God.
Going Deeper Bible Study is a open interactive time to rightly divide the Word of Truth and go deeper than what our eyes can see.
Going Deeper Bible Study is established on the biblical principle of; by faith we Understand that the Worlds were Framed by the Word of God, so that things which Are Seen were Not Made of things which do appear.
There is a man made appearance within the earth of how believers study the Word of God that has caused the body of Christ to fall asleep.  Going Deeper wakes up the believer from their sleep and slumber and causes the blind to see.
Our Lord is a revealing God.  It has never been the Fathers will for the Messiah to come into the world by His love and His Grace, and we still remain blind and hindered: not seeing the depth, height and width of the Kingdom of God.  .
Join us every Wednesday night 6:30pm prayer & 7pm to 8pm as we Go Deeper into the Kingdom of God and the mysteries that has been hidden inside Christ since before the beginning of the ages.  Come and sit at His feet as Holy Spirit unlock divine revelation and Kingdom Truths.
Destiny’s Door Global Ministries, Ministry with the Agenda of the King.


June 13, 2018
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Destiny’s Door Global Ministries Worship Assembly
9010 #B Liberty Road
Randallstown, MD 21133 United States
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