House of Liberty Ministries

Destiny's Door Global Ministries Worship Assembly 9010 #B Liberty Road, Randallstown, MD, United States

Every 4th Friday of the Month, Pastors Kenneth and Barbra Smith of House of Liberty Ministries are ministering and teaching to those that are married, engaged and those who have the desire to be married. Location: Destiny's Door Global Ministries. 9010 Suite F Liberty Road Randallstown, Maryland 21133. Come and  receive Godly wisdom, knowledge, direction and […]

Early Morning Worship

We would love to greet you at one of our worship services. Come and worship the Lord with us. Sunday mornings at 9:30 am But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. John 4:23 Destiny’s Door Global […]

2018 Men’s Conference

Pastor Gil Kiah of Destiny's Door Global ministries will be hosting a 2018 Men's Conference on November 9th through the 10. This conference is a catalyst to bridge the gap between generations of men. Helping to impact, equip, deliver and empower through Holy Spirit so that all men may fulfill their Godly positions of authority […]

Prayer Revival with Prophet Steffon Taylor “Zoom”

Lead servang Prophet Steffon Taylor of Great Awakening Church, prayer revival Jan. 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th, 2021. Zoom Meeting ID:832-3452-5293 or dial 929-205-6099 Great Awakening Church @GreatAwakeningBridgeport

InGathering 2022

The Ingathering is a one-day conference hosted by Apostle Jorah Kiah of Jorah Kiah Ministries in Randallstown, MD. Exodus 23:16 And the feast of harvest, the first fruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of “ingathering,” which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered […]
